Growing Herbs Eco Chicago IL

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Manure Tea Garden GIVEAWAY

Garden Giveaway #14: The Encore
Posted on April 16th, 2010 by James

You thought it was over didn’t you? To be honest… we did too. Then as people started to whine and pout – we had to do something.
And did we ever do something about it.
Well… we can’t even take credit for this. Seriously… this is bigger than us. This has everything to do with the awesome sponsors of this giveaway. I don’t think we even need to go any further… let’s just get to all this giveaway madness. I hope you have a minute… err an hour.
Encore Garden Giveaway #1 - Authentic Haven Brand Natural Brew Soil Conditioner Tea
Yup… Annie is back… and she’s bringing her sh!tbags w/ her! We have already given away 1 gift pack of Annie’s Moo Poo Teas – and she was so saddened by the contests being over… she tweeted me and said – I WILL GIVE MORE IF YOU WILL KEEP THEM GOING! So… we had to right? Right.
If you haven’t tried these cow/horse manure teas – they will get your garden going! I mean really going! Big blooms for your flowers & big veggies in your garden. We are always looking for organic ways to feed our plants and these manure teas totally fit the bill! No crap! Well… ok… there is lots of crap involved… but you get the idea. Annie @ Authentic Haven Brand is chipping in not 1… not 2… but 3 gift packs for this encore celebration of National Gardening Month! So what does that mean? 3 winners!
Click or copy and paste this link to enter the garden GIVEAWAY of GIVEAWAYs for garden products you know and love.

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