Growing Herbs Eco Chicago IL

Monday, September 30, 2013

Growing Success | Gardeners Share

Authentic Haven Brand Natural Brew is always happy to receive pictures and posts of growing success gardeners share feeding their gardens and indoor plants our 100% premium soil conditioner teas. Gardening Jones shares her success with just two feedings of Authentic Haven Brand Natural Brew
Karen Chapman co-author of Fine Foliage shares her pepper harvest. Quote: Hey Annie Haven - these were resurrected from anemic to healthy with your MOO POO TEA - forgot to tell you!
Rosarian Jamie Goodwin shares new growth after one feeding Quote : It happened over night with one feeding of Authentic Haven Brand Natural Brew horse manure tea.
here is an update on the rose bush and the news canes in just a weeks time.
Get your garden and indoor plants performing at peak perfection by feeding them 100% natural soil nutrients by Authentic Haven Brand Natural Brew place your order today at always free S/H


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